The military court sentenced 8 citizens to life imprisonment after transferring their case papers to the Mufti for executing them. The names of the 8 citizens;
1- Kamal Allam
2- Gawad Atta Allah
3- Nabil Hussein
4- Ahmed Hassan
5- Mohamed Ahmed
6- Tariq Mohamed
7- Ashraf Salem
8- Osama Abd El-Samei
They’re sentenced to life imprisonment in the case know as “Trying to Assassinate El-Sisi”, in which 292 citizens are being tried. The court accused them of planning to assassinate Abd Al-Fattah El-Sisi.
Justice for Human Rights foundation-JHR condemns the judgments against the citizens, as non of them was proven guilty with this charge, and also calls for the re-trial of the citizens and providing them with fair trial guarantees.